Despite tough economic times consumers will still go the extra yard to buy gifts for family and friends! We can

Despite tough economic times consumers will still go the extra yard to buy gifts for family and friends! We can
Business drivers using satellite navigation should keep a map for backup, reckons Britain’s Institute of Advanced Motorists, and use commonsense
Vodacom has unveiled a tracking device that pinpoints the exact location of users. SA’s largest cellular network says LiveTrack is
Washington – Google unveiled a free navigation system for mobile phones on Wednesday in a move seen as a potential
In a recent court case in the UK a driver was found guilty of “driving without due care and attention”
I have come across the above cartoon and could not resist referring to one of the advantages of the GPS
The past week I have once again confirmed my belief that a GPS is the perfect gift for a friend
On the Road Safety Blog we have added many blog posts referring to safe travel and a few of these
Buying a GPS device is an excellent option if you really care for the other party! The best about it
Crime has unfortunately become a part of modern society. It is important